

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Music Survey

1. Describe what the process was like in trying to create questions for your research topic.
The process involved looking at what I wanted to analyze and then decide what I wanted to find out about the product I was researching. Once I found out what I wanted to know, I had to develop questions based on what information I wanted.After I came up with the questions I just had to throw together a survey that had an understandable format and an interesting theme.
2. What was different in your survey than the other people you worked with in your group?
I made sections that were specific to the streaming service that people were most interested in instead of doing a single page that asked questions about the music streaming industry in general
3. Did your demographic questions help you in understanding your results? If yes or no explain why?
Only seniors said that they listened to Pandora and only sophomores said they listened to YouTube music but Spotify had both the largest and most diverse group of listeners out of all of the streaming options. 
4. Was there anything the survey results could tell you about your topic? Be specific. If not, explain why not.
The survey results can tell me a few things. To start, the survey can tell me which streaming service people like the most. Another thing the survey can tell me is what people like and dislike about their favorite streaming service. Finally the survey can tell us which streaming services appeal to certain demographics (male/female, grade, listens a lot, doesn't listen often,etc.).
5. How many responses did you get for your survey?
My survey got 12 responses
Take a screenshot (snipping tool) and post the picture of your responses in this post
6. What is a good project for the class to do that could be formatted similar to The Apprentice?

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Olympic Case Study

The case study was trying to get to the point that there are pros and cons of being a city that is hosting the Olympic games. It highlights the point that most of the Olympic games don’t make money, and actually most lose money. They also highlight that in the years following the games actually create global recognition of the host city which can lead to an increase in tourism.

Chapter 1: World of Marketing
  • The Olympic committee's marketing concept has to be both true to the sports and not all about the money but they also need to make it profitable to the host cities.
  • The Olympics target market are sports fans world wide.
  • The wants of the fans are a focus on the sports and not a commercialization of the games.
  • The channel of distribution is the companies that receive licenses and permits to sell products along with the city that hosts the games.
  • The concern for the host cities is that they won’t make a profit on the games and, in fact, many of them will lose money by taking on the Olympics.

Another topic I would like to do more research on is the high levels of NFL teams trying to move to Los Angeles. There are currently three teams in the NFL trying to move right now. What are the incentives for them to relocate their whole team to LA?

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Marketing Mix Applied

Product: A new and improved smart phone that allows the cutting edge of technology to meet the affordability that isn’t available with most other brands.

Price: Lower than the competitor but enough so that we could make a profit. We would minimize the profit per unit in hopes that due to the low price the demand for the product will be greater.

Promotion: Buy TV and radio time to air commercials promoting our product. On social media offer a giveaway that people enter by sharing our page. Have apps promote our product in exchange for being automatically put on the phone.

Place: Have it sold in existing stores like Best Buy and target. In addition to selling it in other stores also offer it online on our own website as well as amazon.

The price will encourage people who can’t necessarily afford the really expensive new iPhone, The promotion will help people find out about the new phone considering it isn’t a household name like apple. The giveaway will offer a way to reduce the cost of the promotion because people will share it to their friends with little to no cost to us. The place will make it easily accessible to the public and put it somewhere where they are looking for a product like the one we are offering.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Boston's Rejected Olympic Bid

I believe that Boston choosing not to put in a bid for the Olympics was a good choice for many reasons. To start the Olympics costs lots of money, money that frankly Boston doesn't just have free to throw around. Along with costs, the Olympics brings a large need for transportation. Boston's public transportation system isn't doing so well. The MBTA has had many issues in recent years and even after changing management companies the problem doesn't seem to be getting better. Those two issues along with the increasing need for security at events like the Olympics makes it far from worth while for the citizens of Massachusetts.